What To Do About Mosquitoes Around My Tulsa Yard
Having trouble with mosquitoes on your Tulsa property this spring? Find out the best way to eliminate them from your life right here.
Ant Control Guide For Tulsa Homeowners
Ants are some of the most common pests in Tulsa, but that doesn’t make them any less problematic. Find out how dangerous these little pests can be, along with who to call if you need help.
The Trick To Getting Rid Of Silverfish In Tulsa Homes
Silverfish are considered to be occasional invaders and can be moderately destructive in your Tulsa home. Learn about silverfish control and prevention here.
How To Get Rid Of Mice In Your Tulsa Home
When you think of a house mouse, it’s not instinctual to think of danger. But the truth is that common house mice can be one of the most dangerous critters.
Are The Spiders In My Tulsa Home Dangerous?
Spiders in your Tulsa home can be a frightening sight, but not all of them are dangerous. Do you know which spiders to avoid?
How To Get Rid Of German Cockroaches In Your Tulsa, OK Home
Although German cockroaches are worldwide pests, they’re a particular problem in Tulsa. The warm and sometimes humid environment makes these roaches thrive. For this reason, you’re likely to encounter a few German cockroaches at some point in your life. Unfortunately, these roaches are notoriously difficult to get rid of. Find out what you should do when you find these roaches inside your home.
How To Handle Sneaky Moles Tearing Up Your Tulsa Yard
At Montgomery Exterminating, we want to help you get a handle on these pests by providing you with the following information and by implementing our effective mole control services.
The Secret To Effective Rat Control In Tulsa, OK
Have you ever heard the saying, ‘It’s raining cats and dogs?’ People have speculated for decades about where this fun verbiage originated. One entertaining belief is that this saying came from when rats would crawl through thatch roofs being chased by cats and dogs. All of this weight would cause a collapse, hence the term. Seeing that our roofs are much more sturdy nowadays, this saying is a whole lot less practical.
How To Keep Ants Out Of Your Tulsa Home
By the time you notice ants crawling through your kitchen, the colony has already identified your home as a reliable food source, and you have an annoying pest problem that could even endanger your family’s health. While not all ants are dangerous, some species do carry dangerous bacteria such as salmonella and E. coli into the home, and others may cause structural damage. Besides, no one wants any ants in their kitchen — dangerous or not.
Read on for steps in identifying and actively preventing ants from entering your Tulsa home.
What To Do About German Cockroaches In Your Tulsa Home
Out of all the pathogen-spreading pests, cockroaches are probably the worst, and unfortunately the most common you’re likely to encounter in your home. With their small, flat bodies and swift-moving legs, German cockroaches can squeeze through the smallest cracks and crevices, making them the perfect household infiltrators.