What To Do About Mosquitoes Around My Tulsa Yard

Spring has sprung, and the bugs are back, but were they ever really gone in the first place? Mosquito eggs can survive in stasis for up to eight months, so if you have an infestation on your Tulsa property, chances are it’s because you had an infestation last year too. Due to the various diseases carried by mosquitoes, these blood-sucking insects are considered the most dangerous pests in the world, so reliable pest control in Tulsa is a must-have for the season. Our pest technicians at Montgomery Exterminating know the best way to control mosquitoes, but there are still plenty of ways to repel mosquitoes on your own.

What Types Of Mosquitoes Are In Tulsa?

The fact that there are over 3,000 different species of mosquitoes in the world can be frightening, but luckily there are only around 60 types of mosquitoes in Tulsa, and not all of them are after your blood. In fact, some of the largest species are strictly vegetarian, only subsisting on plant juices and nectar. Most blood-sucking species aren’t particularly fond of human hosts and, surprisingly enough, only the females require a blood meal to develop eggs. Among those 60 species, only a handful plague Tulsa neighborhoods:

  • Asian tiger mosquito
  • Yellow fever mosquito
  • Common house mosquito
  • Eastern saltmarsh mosquito
  • Inland floodwater mosquito
  • Common malaria mosquito

Do Mosquitoes Carry Diseases In Tulsa?

Over one million annual deaths worldwide are attributed to mosquito-borne illness, placing them at the top of the charts for the deadliest creature on Earth. There are lots of diseases carried by mosquitoes, including malaria, yellow fever, West Nile virus, Zika virus, and dengue fever. Whether or not you have an active infestation, protection against mosquitoes during warmer seasons is absolutely crucial.

How Can I Reduce Mosquitoes On My Tulsa Property?

Montgomery Exterminating has a comprehensive treatment plan specifically designed for eliminating mosquitoes, but there are still plenty of ways to repel mosquitoes on your own:

  • Reduce the amount of foliage around your property
  • Mow the lawn regularly
  • Trim back tree branches and shrubs
  • Try not to over-water your garden areas
  • Implement mosquito-repellent plants into your garden – citronella, marigolds, lavender, catnip, geraniums, lemon balm, lemongrass, bee balm
  • Make sure the soil around your property is draining properly by having it aerated
  • Dump out any standing water around your property
  • Check for any leaks, broken pipes, extensive water damage, and unusually moist rooms within your home
  • Infest in a dehumidifier for moisture-retaining rooms such as kitchen, bathroom, basement, and laundry room
  • Keep tight-fitting lids on outdoor trash cans to deter wildlife

Even though citronella is a magnificent plant that helps repel all kinds of insects, don’t waste your time and money on citronella torches or candles. Torches and candles are only ever effective when there’s no breeze and, to top it off, they also release harmful carcinogens into the air.

Is Ongoing Mosquito Control Worth It For My Tulsa Property?

With the types of mosquitoes commonly found in Tulsa and the dangers they pose, effective ongoing pest control with Montgomery Exterminating is more than worth its affordable price. Our Tulsa, OK pest technicians receive yearly training on new advancements in pest control, so you can be sure that you’re getting the best treatments available with every visit. We use the highest quality pest control products and equipment on the market, we never take shortcuts, and we make sure to provide our customers with 100% satisfaction. The best way to control mosquitoes in Tulsa is with our help, so get in contact with us today to schedule your first appointment!


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