The Secret To Effective Rat Control In Tulsa, OK

Have you ever heard the saying, ‘It’s raining cats and dogs?’ People have speculated for decades about where this fun verbiage originated. One entertaining belief is that this saying came from when rats would crawl through thatch roofs being chased by cats and dogs. All of this weight would cause a collapse, hence the term. Seeing that our roofs are much more sturdy nowadays, this saying is a whole lot less practical.

The Trick To Keeping Mice Out Of Your Tulsa Home

Mice are one of the most common pests you will find in your Tulsa home. However, they’re also one of the worst: they can spread disease, leave the house smelling like feces and urine, and chew on everything they can find, even electrical wires. In fact, many house fires are started when mice chew on a live wire and it sparks. 

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