The Ultimate Guide to Mouse Removal: Keep Your Tulsa Home Safe and Clean

Mice are among the most common pests Tulsa homeowners find themselves dealing with. Many think it happens purely by chance. In truth, the conditions of their property can make them a target. So what can you do to reduce the risk of a mouse infestation?

Our team at Montgomery Exterminating, Inc. can help you secure your home against mice and other pests. As the top Tulsa pest control company, we have plenty of tips and tricks to share with you. Read on to learn how to keep mice away, and remember to call on us for the best mouse control in Tulsa.

Signs Of A Mouse Infestation: How To Spot Them Early

A mouse infestation occurs when mice move into your home. It may start as only one or two mice, but their numbers can explode and spread far throughout your property if left uninterrupted. Responding to an infestation quickly can save you a lot of grief. So what should you look for?

Mice in Tulsa leave plenty of clues to their presence. Pellet-like feces, the pungent smell of urine, tooth and claw marks on furniture, destroyed wood, paper, plastic, and wires, long trails of grime on your floor, and the sounds of scurrying in your walls are all dead giveaways. Call on professional pest control right away if you notice any of these, even if you have yet to see a mouse. 

Whether you know you’re dealing with mice or you’re not 100% sure, we can help. Montgomery Exterminating, Inc. technicians perform exhaustive inspections inside and outside your home to reveal the full extent of your pest problems. Then we report our findings to you and begin working on the best treatment plan for your home. Call us today to get a free service estimate!

Why Mice Are A Problem: Health Risks And Property Damage

Mouse droppings are rife with bacteria that can make humans sick. Even if you don’t touch the droppings yourself, the bacteria can spread to whatever surface it’s on. Illnesses linked to mouse droppings include Hantavirus, Haverhill fever, and salmonellosis.

Mice are also naturally destructive. Their incisor teeth grow incredibly fast and constantly, so they need to frequently chew to keep them manageable. In your home, they’ll chew on virtually anything, but you’re more likely to notice their teeth marks on furniture or severed wires.

The sooner you get rid of these pests, the safer you and your family will be. Montgomery Exterminating Inc. provides interior and exterior treatments for the ultimate pest control coverage. We customize every plan to your home’s unique needs.

The Importance Of Prompt Mouse Removal: Call Us Right Away!

Mice breed quickly, so what may start as a minor problem will spiral out of control if you don’t act fast. But DIY methods aren’t effective; you need professional mouse control services from Montgomery Exterminating, Inc. We offer ongoing monthly pest control services to keep you safe year-round. 

Preventative Measures For Mice: Keep Them Out Before They Get In

Once your home is mouse-free, it’s time to think about prevention. Making a few simple changes around your property goes a long way toward shielding your home against future infestations. Here are some essential mouse prevention tips:

  • Install door sweeps 
  • Cover any drains leading into your house with a grate or mesh
  • Make sure your trash can lids form a tight seal
  • Clean up food debris around your home and yard
  • Remove standing water around your property
  • Trim back any branches that hang over or near your home by three feet

Montgomery Exterminating, Inc. has been helping Tulsa homeowners with unparalleled pest control services since 1989. Our comprehensive coverage will remove pests and help prevent them from returning. Call us today for friendly, professional help with your mouse removal needs.


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