How Dangerous Are Termites In Tulsa?

When you think of dangerous animals, you probably think of fangs and claws — sharks, tigers, snakes, and spiders all come to mind. But termites prove that there’s more than one way to be dangerous. While termites aren’t known for being deadly killers, they can threaten your safety and wellbeing by causing severe damage to your property. So, how dangerous are termites in Tulsa?

About Termites

Termites are found all over the world and there are more than 40 known species in the United States alone. Broadly, termites can be separated into three main types based on their habitat: dry wood termites, dampwood termites, and subterranean termites. Different species may prefer one environment over another, but all termites exhibit a few of the same behaviors.

Termites are social insects that form massive colonies of thousands or even millions of members. Termite society is separated into specialized workers, soldiers, and reproductives, each with their own job to accomplish. A mature termite queen can produce 1,000 eggs per day, though some queens have been observed laying nearly as many as 30,000 eggs per day. Once a colony has been established, an infestation can grow quickly.

Termites feed on cellulose, a material found in plants and trees. They will eat wood, paper, cardboard, carpeting, and even drywall. An average termite worker can feed nonstop, all day and night.

Are Termites Harmful?

Many common household pests from ants to cockroaches to rodents are known to transmit disease. However, termites are surprisingly hygienic creatures and spend time grooming one another to eliminate parasites and pathogens. But termites can cause allergies if an infestation is widespread.

Tiny waste particles produced by termites can fill the air and irritate skin and eyes. These small particles can also impact the lungs, inhibiting respiratory function, and even causing asthma.

How To Prevent Termites

There are a few signs of termite activity that you should look out for on your property:

  • Piles of sawdust-like “frass” or termite droppings
  • Bubbling or peeling wallpaper
  • Sagging drywall
  • Long mud tubes along your foundation
  • Presence of discarded wings or live termite swarmers
  • Maze-like patterns appearing in floorboards or other wooden structures

If you notice one or more of these signs, it’s possible you have a termite colony residing in your home or business. The good news is that you can prevent an infestation from taking root with a few simple tips:

  • Seal entrances. Check your property for cracks in the foundation or in wooden siding that termites can use to access your property. Seal openings with caulk.
  • Reduce moisture. Termites thrive in areas of high moisture. Keep water from accumulating in the soil around your property by clearing drains and gutters, as well as fixing any leaking spigots or pipes. Indoors, keep the area well ventilated and consider installing a humidifier.
  • Remove wood. If you have any fallen trees, old logs, or rotting stumps on your property be sure to get rid of them. Remove or relocate woodpiles or any other organic debris in your yard.
  • Do some landscaping. Keep any woody shrubs trimmed to prevent branches from making contact with your home or business. Move gardening areas at least six feet away from any buildings and try switching to a cellulose-free mulch.

If you spot signs of termites in Tulsa, get in touch with the professionals at Montgomery Exterminating. Using the advanced Sentricon® Termite Colony Elimination System, our expert technicians will eliminate the termites on your property with minimal impact on the environment. When you choose our termite control services, you’ll get over 25 years of experience and a commitment to the satisfaction of our customers. So, if you’ve got termite troubles, get in touch with us today.


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