Are The Spiders In My Tulsa Home Dangerous?

Finding spiders in your home can be a frightening experience, but not all spiders you come across will be dangerous. It is important to understand common area spiders to know which pests to steer clear of.

Understanding Tulsa Spiders

Spiders are arachnids with eight legs, smaller bodies, and a fearsome reputation. It may be worrying to you if you’re encountering spiders in your Tulsa home, but for the most part, the spiders you meet are not incredibly harmful. All spiders possess venom and fangs, and most will bite when prompted, but only two spider species are considered medically dangerous – the black widow and the brown recluse – and it is rare to find these spiders in your home.

Below are the spider species you may see on or around your Tulsa property.

  • House Spider: This spider varies in size and shape but is prone to leaving webs all over your home. They are very unlikely to bite humans. 
  • Wolf Spider: A larger spider with a frightening appearance, the wolf spider is tan with two dark stripes on its back. Despite its looks, it is generally harmless and unlikely to bite humans.
  • Brown Recluse: One of the most dangerous spiders in the U.S., the brown recluse has a brown body and darker violin-shaped marking on its back. Bites must receive medical attention.
  • Black Widow: This spider is black with a red hourglass marking on its abdomen. They typically create sticky webs low to the ground and will bite if disturbed. Like the brown recluse, their bites require medical attention.

Keep in mind that these spiders will enter your home searching for food, water, or shelter. If you have an ongoing pest problem with insects that are a spider’s prey (such as cockroaches, beetles, or ants), you are likely to have a spider problem as they enter your home in search of these insects.

Spider Prevention Tips

In order to keep spiders out of your Tulsa home, there are a few prevention tactics that you can try.

  • Address any pest-prey issues that may be bringing spiders into your home. This step includes pest-proofing your home and consulting the professionals at Montgomery Exterminating for more assistance or advice.
  • Seal up potential entry points around your house to keep spiders and other pests out by blocking all gaps and cracks in doors and windows, making sure window and door screens are in good condition, and replacing broken door sweeps and damaged weatherstripping.
  • Fix moisture issues and leaks both inside and outside your home to keep from attracting any spiders wandering near your property searching for water.
  • Make sure to seal up all food waste and trash tightly and promptly dispose of it. The scent of food and trash is a major attractant for the pests that will then attract spiders.
  • Regularly declutter your house, removing items from untouched areas and dusting to help remove any spider webs and decrease the number of places spiders have to hide.
  • Keep your yard free of debris and clutter and store firewood at least ten feet away from your home to reduce outdoor hiding places for spiders.

Total Spider Removal

Spider infestations can be a nightmare to deal with, especially once they have grown out of control and these eight-legged menaces overrun your home. Contact the professionals at Montgomery Exterminating for more advice and spider or pest prey control assistance at the first sign of an infestation.


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