The Ultimate Guide To Boxelder Bug Management: Proven Control Strategies For Tulsa

Boxelder bugs are types of insects commonly found among boxelder trees, ash trees, and maple trees. Boxelder bugs consume the seedlings and other parts of these types of trees using a “sucking” mouthpart. For homeowners in Tulsa, boxelder bugs may venture indoors, particularly during cold spells.

Are you struggling with boxelder bugs? To safely and effectively expel these unwanted pests from your property, seek help from a professional provider of pest control services in Tulsa. A qualified pest control company employs a team of technicians who understand how to get rid of boxelder bugs quickly. 

Boxelder Bug Identification: Signs And Features To Look For

Because of their black and orange appearance, boxelder bugs in Tulsa are sometimes called “Halloween bugs.” As immature nymphs, these insects are wingless and have a reddish appearance. As adults, they develop wings and reach roughly ½ of an inch long. These insects have oval-shaped bodies with six legs and antennae.

In yard areas, property owners often notice boxelder bugs congregating in massive groups in areas of warm sunlight. As overwintering pests, boxelder pests may enter a home and remain dormant within wall voids, crawl spaces, or attics before reemerging during the spring. If you are a Tulsa resident who has recognized some common signs of boxelder bug activity, speak with a qualified boxelder bug control professional today. 

Boxelder Bug Problems: Understanding The Damage They Can Cause

Why should property owners in Tulsa consult with a professional company for handling problems involving boxelder bugs? The pros know how to treat boxelder bugs quickly so these nuisance pests won’t create further property damage. For example, boxelder bugs stain curtains, clothes, or upholstered furniture.

Fortunately, boxelder bugs do not bite, sting, or transmit diseases.  Homeowners should keep in mind that these pests often generate an unpleasant odor when crushed. Spraying these pests with a mix of soap and water, such as dish soap, will usually eliminate them.

Boxelder Bug Prevention: Effective Strategies For Keeping Them At Bay

Are there any viable ways of preventing boxelder bugs? Tulsa-area residents should consider these tips that will help limit the presence of these pests:

  • Closely inspect the structure’s exterior for any cracks that develop and fill them with durable sealant.
  • Promptly repair any torn window screens and apply weatherstripping around the window frames where needed.
  • Install sweeps along the bases of entry doors.
  • Use a vacuum to capture these pests when indoors.
  • Some reports indicate that sage, lavender, and peppermint have a repellent effect.

These preventative strategies have demonstrated considerable success, yet, some local residents might still experience problems with these troublesome pests. Those with concerns about boxelder bugs should contact an expert familiar with expelling boxelder bug infestations and how to keep boxelder bugs away.

Effective Control For Boxelder Bugs: Say Goodbye To These Pesky Pests

Are you seeking a local provider of professional home pest control in Tulsa? Montgomery Exterminating is a leading service provider that has been delivering results for homeowners in the Tulsa region for more than 25 years now. Our trained team of service technicians will quickly oust boxelder bugs from the premises. They may also identify other existing property conditions that make your home susceptible to future problems with these and different kinds of pests.

Part of our lengthy track record of success results from a commitment to delivering industry-leading customer service and always standing behind the work that we perform to ensure satisfaction. Contact our office today for further details.


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